The Ultimate Father's Day Gift Guide
Whether your dad likes to spend his time in the garage or the home gym, you can find gift ideas for him when you read this month's blog post.
Function and Form
There are many ways to manage the seam between two floor mats, but not all of them look as good as G‑Floor Center Trim. Made of the same durable vinyl as G‑Floor vinyl flooring, this reliable seaming solution is a no‑brainer!
Got a Green Thumb?
The summer sun provides vital nourishment to plants of all types, but are you taking full advantage of the extra light?
GrowFloor is designed to reflect more light in greenhouses, hothouses, and plant nurseries to give you a better yield.
Tips and Tricks
G‑Floor mats are great at staying in place. If you plan to lift or move your vinyl flooring, you can "fluff" it like a bedsheet and get some air underneath, which makes the mat easier to move.
When you take it out of the garage to clean it, you can hose it off or power wash it before you put it back!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I use double-sided tape with a G‑Floor installation?
A: Double sided tape should only be used on the leading edge of the mat, at the entrance of the garage, if needed. Most of the time, the parking pad is heavy enough and tape is not needed. We do not recommend using double sided tape around the perimeter of any parking pad, as it can cause the center of the mat to buckle.